Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil, who famously came out and now leads several initiatives to support LGBT individuals, cautions against getting carried away by the media's portrayal of coming out experiences. He advises people to be financially prepared and emotionally detached before making this life-changing decision, as the consequences of coming out can be severe. For instance, he shares the story of someone who lost their home and job after coming out to their family.
On the other hand, Anwesh Sahoo, Mr. Gay India 2016, believes that waiting for the "perfect time" is not ideal. Staying in the closet can be a tremendous mental burden, and he encourages people to come out whenever they feel ready, especially if they and their families have access to information about LGBT identities.
Mogli, a member of the LGBT community, offers a word of caution about the pervasive practice of "corrective" therapy forced on LGBT people by their families. She shares her personal experience of being institutionalized for months after coming out, which has led to her deep mistrust of the medical community.
In conclusion, coming out is a complex and personal decision that can have far-reaching consequences on an individual's life. It is essential to weigh the potential risks and benefits, seek support from trusted individuals, and be prepared for a range of reactions, including rejection and discrimination.
And also EORTV's lesbian web series, like "I Love Us 3," can play a vital role in raising awareness about the experiences of the LGBT community and providing support to individuals navigating the challenging process of coming out.
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